Search Engine Optimization (Beginners guide)


We are starting this miniseries about SCO to enhance your knowledge and understand about search engine optimization (SEO).

Today we’ll have a look at:

  1. What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and
  2. How does it work?
  3. What are its benefits?

In the following posts, we’ll discuss How to make your site visible to the target audience by using SEO elements and then look into the key components of a search engine optimization strategy.

So, here we go……..


The term “search engine optimization” refers to the process of optimizing a website for search engines. In simple terms, it refers to the process of upgrading your website to boost its exposure when consumers use Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu and other search engines to look for products or services linked to your business.  

Look at it this way.  

When someone types “Mac & cheese” into Google, they’re likely looking for a recipe, ingredients, and instructions on how to make it. If you wrote an article or video about making Mac & cheese, you’d want people to find your recipe. For anyone to find it, you need to rank above all the other websites with recipes for mac & cheese.

It’s not easy, but that’s what SEO marketing is all about. The higher your pages’ exposure in search results, the more likely you are to attract attention and attract new and existing clients to your article.

To make your site to be visible globally, you have to come in the top rankings of various search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, or Baidu. By optimizing a website for search engines will give an advantage over non-optimized sites.


Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing use crawler or Bots or spiders to crawl through the web, moving from site to site, collecting information about those sites, and indexing them. Consider the index to be a large library where a librarian can pull up a book (or a web page) to assist you in finding exactly what you’re looking for.

Then, using hundreds of ranking criteria or signals, algorithms to examine sites in the index to decide the order in which they should show in search results for a given query. The librarian or crawler, in our library analogy, has read every single book (website or blogs) in the library and can tell you which one will provide the answers to your queries.

So, using the various technique of SEO of optimizing your website, SEO increases the visibility of a website or webpage on a search engine results page (SERP) to increase traffic and sales by making your website more discoverable.

It’s time-consuming, requires technical and business considerations, and doesn’t guarantee success, but it pays off in the long run.


Every online business website or blog or page has some goals or aims, whether it is to attract more readers or subscribers for a blogger, to increase sales for an e-commerce business, or to increase traffic and commissions for an affiliate marketer. Whatever your aim, you need more visitors to visit your website. The number of people who visit your website is referred to as traffic. You can now either pay for that traffic by purchasing adverts (bought traffic) or receive it for free by ensuring that your website shows in search engines (free traffic).

However, there are probably thousands of others like you who have the same purpose and are publishing comparable content as you.

So, how can you get YOUR website to the top of the search results?

This is when Search Engine Optimization comes into play. Remember the definition I mentioned earlier? (SEO is the process of optimizing your website). By adjusting a few settings on your website and ensuring that certain things are done correctly, you may dramatically boost your chances of having your website appear near the top of Google’s search results.


Before going into details lets learn about it’s the benefits:-

  1. It helps in Brand or website visibility by using relevant keywords. 
  2. It helps to increase traffic by using relevant keywords for search,
  3. Helps in ranking of your website which increases visibility.
  4. It helps to convert local business into global business. As your content will be found all over the world of internet.
  5. It a 24/7 promotion of your product.

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